Sunday, October 28, 2012

Challenge: Week 3 Recap and a Birthday

7 days, no coke.

I had a few headaches, but at the end of the week - I can honestly say I feel better.  I think part of it is because I proved to myself I could do it. The other piece of it is most likely because I'm drinking more water. I find that as it gets colder outside, I crave more liquids - and water is what's best for you!

I do have to admit that today (which is officially outside of last week's challenge) I had about 1/4th of a root beer.  In my defense, my addiction is not to root beer, and I didn't like it.  So, I'm going to consider myself still on track :)

In other news, today is my momma's 58th birthday!  After church today,  James and I picked up some grilled chicken from Kentucky Fried Chicken (seems like an oxymoron) and we headed out to visit my mom and celebrate her birthday. She's not big on celebrations, so it was just her and her boyfriend, James and I, and my sister and nephew. We played Phase 10.  Remember how I told you my family was big on games?  You can read about that here.  Oh, and I won!

Here's a picture of my mom and her boyfriend at my wedding.  We don't take many pictures, so you see a lot of them from my wedding. We really need to get better about taking pictures.

Isn't she beautiful?!
Happy Birthday, Momma!!! 

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