Monday, October 15, 2012

Challenge: Week 2 Recap

So - I'm a bit behind.  Let's catch up!

Last week's challenge was off to a rough, rough start.  Monday and Tuesday I was a complete failure.  Not only did I not get up on the first ringing of the alarm... I hit the ol' snooze button even longer than usual!   You'll be happy to know that I pulled it together and Wednesday and Thursday, I woke right up, drank Spark and had some time to reflect before I hit the road.

Then, there's Friday.

We've been doing a fundraiser at work to raise money for a Christmas party.  If your place of employment is like mine, you'd know that the deteriorating economy has taken a toll on extra funds. So, the management team decided that we'd serve biscuits and gravy for breakfast - $1 for a biscuit with plain gravy, $1.50 with sausage gravy.  That's a total steal, right?!  And for a great cause ;)

So - I was feeling confident about my 2 days in a row of waking up early on time, so I said I'd come in a little earlier than usual.  Breakfast setup starts at 6am, so if I figured if I would come in at 7:30 to work the table for a couple of hours.  I realize that this is only 30 mins early, but hey - every single minute feels like hours! On my way out the door Thursday evening, my boss (whom I love) mentions that they are one crockpot short for the morning.  I cringed a little, but immediately thought of my co-worker having one, so I gave Claudia a call.  And, as luck would have it - she left it at her mom's house a couple of hours away.  So....yep, you guessed it - they wanted me to be there at 6am with crockpot in tow.  Whoa - 6am!  I do not like to disappoint, and since I failed so miserably on Monday and Tuesday... this was the universe's way of letting me redeem myself. 

I have to admit, I was about 15 minutes late (my clock is 7 mins fast) - BUT, I left my house before 6am, so it totally counts!  Here's the pic I snapped as I came into the parking lot.  I knew I'd have to prove it.

My camera was also sleepy, which is why this is blurry.  It says it is 6:18 - in the MORNING. Please make note that it is still dark outside and my clock is 7 minutes fast. Making history people!

So there you have it, folks. 2 for 2.

  • Challenge: Week 2,  No snooze button for 3 workdays Success!
  • Challenge: Week 1, Breakfast for 3 days Success!

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