Monday, September 24, 2012

Nothing is Free

I like to take advantage of anything that is free - especially if it was something that was on my list to purchase anyway.

Here's some background...

I am a little bit of a crazy person when it comes to Groupon.  I buy things on Groupon with the best of intentions, but I have to admit... I've had more than a couple of those expire before I redeemed the item that 6 months before I couldn't breathe another second without purchasing.  I'm horrible.  One of those Groupons that I did not get a chance to take advantage of was for creating a photo book. This was a fine example of when saving $15 actually cost me $20 with nothing in return.  For those of you that understand Groupon, you're probably thinking... "yeah, but if you don't use it before it expires, you can still get the value of the Groupon back as credit with the company."  To those people I say, "Maybe one day - but that too will probably expire before I get around to it."  

So, when I was checking out Facebook status updates and saw that 3 of my friends had accepted a coupon for a FREE photo book, I was stoked. This was the universes way of giving back to my non-Groupon redeeming butt!    

Here's the kicker - I had only 2 days to create my book and had never done it before. This is a procrastinator's nightmare.  But, to my surprise, I sat down and pulled some pics together.   I will probably do some things a little different next time, but this turned out okay.  Especially since it was "free"*.

*Free is never really free - I paid almost $9 in shipping.  But still a pretty awesome deal.

For your viewing pleasure:

1 comment:

  1. I love the book! You did a great job! Can't wait till it gets here.
