Saturday, June 8, 2013

Confessions of a Hobbyist

Let me make a confession.

When I get my mind set on a new hobby - it inevitably results in spending a whole lotta money.  I get really excited, get everyone else really excited, then go out and buy everything that a professional in said subject would own. 

Sometimes I follow through; most of the time I don't.  Here are just a few of my adventures:

  • Making custom cakes: Success - but I'm pretty sure I've invested more than my car is worth in products.
  • Selling Advocare: failed. Great product - still have a membership for discounts only. 
  • Sewing: This only lasted 1 night, but at least I have a picture to prove I tried!

I only tampered with sewing for a minute,
but I would really like to learn.  I'll table that thought for now.

  • Scrapbooking: started buying supplies 2.5 years ago, and haven't put a single picture to paper.
  • Selling Scentsy: Eh. I've got it if you need it, but I don't plan on having any house parties anytime soon. I finally got the Scentsy logo off my car yesterday. Since James drives us to work in my car (and is notorious for road rage) I didn't want anyone to be able to contact me to complain. 
  • Blogging: Started off strong - faded; Making a comeback
  • Couch 2 5K: Womp, womp womp...

And for those of you who knew me in college, I purposefully excluded that escapade. What was I thinking?!

Well, ladies and gentlemen... after 2 years of saying I'm going to start scrapbooking, I've actually committed.   I will be going on a 4 day trip with my SIL and her friends.  FOUR days.  Did I mention that I've never put a single picture to paper?!

More to come on those preparations...  Hope y'all are having a great weekend!