I'll start with the biggest news.. Remember this post? At Least One Day a Year. Well folks, we will be celebrating a new birthday in March 2015!

The hubs and I are pretty pumped about our new little addition- Oliver is really excited too! The official due date is March 8th.
The mean doctor says we can't find out the gender until 19 weeks, which luckily is only 10 days away. I used to think that I would just wait to find out the gender until birth - I thought, "sure I could hold out.. it will be extra special to be surprised and the anticipation would be so special". I WAS WRONG. The control freak in me cannot handle not knowing! After all, how would I decorate the nursery if I don't know the gender? Or buy clothes, or a car seat, or bedding? What was I thinking?!
I want a girl, hubs wants a boy. I'm putting it out in the universe that it will be a girl. The truth is that above anything else, we want a HEALTHY baby. (but... think pink everyone!)