Sunday, September 16, 2012

Laser Tag, Dora, and a Pinata

Today is Sunday.

It was a pretty laid back day. My nephew came to spend the night and James took him to play laser tag yesterday while I was living it up at the fair. They had a blast!  They came home and gave me play-by-plays of their adventure. They played 3 times - 20 minutes for each round.

 After I heard about their trip, it made me wonder if laser tag should be a part of my workout regiment.  I use regiment lightly.  Actually, I should probably not use that word at all.  Anyway, doesn't laser tag seem like a great idea for a workout?

Moving on.

So today, I went to Ashley's niece's 3rd birthday party.  Although we didn't do a cake for her this year - I thought I'd post the one we did for her last year.  Every 2 year old should have feathers in their cake, right?

This year's theme was Dora the Explorer.  The birthday girl's mom, Lacy, did the cupcakes - she did a great job! They were chocolate chip cookie dough cupcakes - Yummo.

They even had a pinata.

 The kids had a blast taking turns swinging the bat - there was so much candy, this game lasted a while!  I even got to have some sour patch kids... along with some other sugary goodness.  I guess now is when I should start considering that regiment - ugh.

Happy Sunday y'all!

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